Life and thoughts of a modern day yogi: Yogi philosopher

Life and thoughts of a modern day yogi: Yogi philosopher


Life and thoughts of a modern day yogi: Yogi philosopher


As some of you are aware, I have just finished my new book, ‘Life and thoughts of a modern day yogi: Yogi philosopher’. Yoga is a sacred path to awaken the soul when done the right way.
This book embodies the events and understanding of my life as a third-generation yogi. Follow my experiences of growing up in western society and navigating between the modern world of technology and the ancient practice of uniting mind, body, and soul.


The world is facing challenging times ahead. A spiritual battle has begun. Throughout human history the world has endured countless cataclysmic events, but this time we also witness a mass awakening and a huge shift in consciousness. A parallel appears before us and reality now presents itself to the masses. People need to decide, what do they do with this knowledge. Who is so deeply invested they cannot let go and who stands up for freedom and truth?

Yoga is a sacred path to awaken the soul when done the right way.
This book embodies the events and understanding of my life as a third-generation yogi. Follow my experiences of growing up in western society and navigating between the modern world of technology and the ancient practice of uniting mind, body, and soul.

I include my perspective and downloads from life throughout this book, explaining their relevance, objective, and purpose. I trust the readers find a connection and direction from my words as I detail their true meaning.

I also describe how the modern- day practice has moved away from its spiritual roots, shifting more towards the physical appearance.
Exploring ideas from ancient times to today, I share how the present world of Yoga show’s us a new face, one leaning more toward insecurity, narcissism, and dependency.

The content forms an understanding that speaks from above the matrix ideology, a system where individuals follow boxed rules that translate their beliefs. Instead, it reads from a more extensive field of consciousness.

Let us go back to the core of non-judgment and equal footing by pulling back from the superior, victim, ego, and constant teacher-and-student relationship. Although we are always learning, to remain fixated on just one method for a lifetime is superfluous and limiting, as children of higher consciousness, we are here to thrive.